Monday, July 30, 2012

Summertime High Here, Tropics Heating Up

An abundance of fun in the sun here in the Brazos Valley, and a whole lot more to come. Typically this time of the year, we experience prolonged periods of dry weather along side some high heat. All of this can be related to high pressure in the upper levels that barely budges and keeps similar weather conditions, for days, if not weeks at a time.

At the moment, the center of this upper level high is just to our north and north west. Additionally, where this high sets up correlates to the hottest air.

Locations from the Texas Panhandle to Oklahoma have been hoping for cooler air because they have felt 100 degree weather for the past 2 weeks straight. Unfortunately, the grip of this high pressure cell is quite tight and will not looses over the next 7-10 days. Not only does the really hot weather fall right under the high, but its tough for organized clouds and rain to penetrate this atmospheric shield. Instead, all of the "interesting" weather flows clockwise around the high.

That's what we have going on over the next week here, but in other parts of the world, the tropics are coming back alive. Approximately, 3,500 miles away is a tropical wave that could strengthen over the following 48 hours or so.

All you see within the yellow circle is a batch of convection with thunderstorms. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) will investigate this region for possible tropical development. I would not worry at this time for its movement or forecasted strength. However, this will be an area that I will monitor for further evolution. If this were to turn into a tropical storm, the next name on the list is Ernesto.

Besides, the possibility of seeing Ernesto....there are 3 key locations we need to keep our focus on as we turn to August.

The Gulf of Mexico has shown historically that tropical cyclones can form easily during August.

The same goes for the Western Caribbean.

And finally, the Atlantic Ocean.

August is the beginning of prime time for the Hurricane Season, and these three zone are the most critical. We will look out of any development and keep you updated.

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