Friday, March 8, 2013

Severe Weather Awareness Week: Lightning Safety

Lightning is one of the most fascinating phenomenon that catches our eyes. These "light shows" peak in the summer, but can occur year round. Despite its beauty, lightning is extremely dangerous and is a potential killer. On average, 25 million lightning bolts strike across the United States every year. Hundreds are injured, and approximately 55 people are killed every year.

Lightning can travel at speeds of 140,000mph and heat up to 55,000°F. Additionally, lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from the parent storm. Due to this spontaneous activity, you need to take any thunderstorm seriously whether it's severe or not.

If you year thunder, make sure to get indoors immediately because if you can hear it, it can strike. The National Weather Service (NWS) sends out the following message: "If Thunder Roars, Go Indoors."

Best place to be during a lightning event is in a sturdy building. An overhang on the golf course is not safe enough. If there is time, make sure to get back to the clubhouse. Additionally, if you are driving on the road, a car is safe as well, but don't leave your car until the storm clears.

While inside, stay away from elements that conduct electricity. Examples include devices that are plugged into outlets and even plumbing as lightning can travel though metal piping and water.

Keep these simple tips in mind when lightning strikes and you will be safe.

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