Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Could The Tropics Save Us?

If you could remember back in April or May when the Hurricane Season was predicted, media outlets were going bonkers because the forecast called for a very active season. For the most part, it’s been so quiet; you could hear crickets chirping all through the Atlantic Ocean Basin. As of Tuesday afternoon, only 8 storms were strong enough to be honored with names, Humberto being the latest. However, each named storm only approached Tropical Storm strength with no Hurricanes (winds 74mph sustained or stronger) yet. Humberto may become the first Hurricane of the season, but overall it’s been tranquil.

Yet, we should not give up because the middle and late stages of September is the heart of Hurricane Season and storms can form rapidly this time of year. Ocean water temperatures are the highest at this point of the year which tropical systems fall in love with.
For our concerns in the Brazos Valley, a storm with tropical origins could be what the doctor orders because we are now in an Extreme Drought. Rain is still a huge need around here, and the tropics could help.
A swirl of clouds and deep moisture is over the western Caribbean could make a move to the west and eventually into the western Gulf of Mexico. Several reliable weather computer models hint at a strengthening body of low pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico during the weekend, and possibly head closer to us. What is certain is that some sort of tropical weather will take shape, but the track remains way up in the air, as these types of phenomenon can have a mind of their own. However, if we see some of this moisture move into the Brazos Valley, expect a deluge of rainfall which our crops will thoroughly enjoy. Timing at this point shows the potential for heavy rain between Sunday night and Tuesday.

Take this information with a grain of salt, but the potential is there. It might be the tropics that could help us out…..just a waiting game for now.
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